
3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Bordeaux JUG

3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Bucharest Software Craftmanship Community

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.


3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

JakartaOne Livestream

Shorten all URLs: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.


A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Great International Developer Summit

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Jfokus Brown Bag Lunch Talk

Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous, Kubernetes is its de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason, a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? We could, but we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

Manchester Java Community

A Hitchhicker's Tour to Containerizing a Java application

As 'the Cloud' becomes more and more widespread, now is a good time to assess how you can containerize your Java application. I assume you’re able to write a a Dockerfile around the generated JAR. However, each time the application’s code will change, the whole image will need to be rebuilt. If you’re deploying to a local Kubernetes cluster environment, this increases that much the length of the feedback loop. In this demo-based talk, I’ll present different ways to get your Java app in a container: Dockerfile, Jib, and Cloud Native Buildpacks. We will also have a look at what kind of Docker image they generate, how they layer the images, whether those images are compatible with skaffold, etc.

Big Data Conference
Lithuania Vilnius

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Big Data Conference
Lithuania Vilnius

An Experiment in Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet – but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.

Big Data Conference
Lithuania Vilnius

Stream Processing Essentials

Take your first steps to understanding and start working with stream processing! By the end of the course, you will be able to build and run distributed streaming pipelines in Java: Explain when to use streaming, design a streaming application from the building blocks, transform, match, correlate and aggregate continuous data, scale, deploy, and operate streaming apps. We will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of the stream processing technologies available when approaching real-world problems.

Toulouse JUG

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Big Things

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Granite State Code Camp

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

All-Day DevOps

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes, Spring Boot and Flyway

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day. You need to think about application backward compatibility, possible rollback, database schema migration, etc. I believe the later is one of the biggest pain point. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema migration with the help of Flyway, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Great International Developer Summit

Designing a DSL with Kotlin

Kotlin is one of those 'new' JVM languages that are currently rocking the boat. Although it’s made a great impact on Android, it’s equally good on the server side. As Domain-Specific Languages are constrained by the language they run on, Kotlin frees developers from Java fluent builders to propose something better. Using the Vaadin web framework as an example, I’ll demo how one could design its own DSL with Kotlin.

Romania Bucharest

Shorten all URLs: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

Lubumbashi DevFest

Un cas d'utilisation du Change-Data-Capture : un cache toujours à jour

Lorsqu'une application présente de mauvaises performances, il est aisé de configurer un cache en façade de la base de données SQL. Cela ne corrige pas la cause première (par exemple, une mauvaise conception, une requête SQL mal construite, etc.) mais ça fait le job. Si l'application est le seul composant qui écrit dans la base de données, il est facile de mettre à jour le cache en conséquence, de sorte que le cache soit toujours synchronisé avec les données. Les choses se gâtent lorsque l'application n'est pas le seul composant à écrire dans la base de données. Parmi les possibilités, il y a des traitements par lot, d'autres applications (des bases de données partagées existent malheureusement), etc. On pourrait penser à deux manières de conserver les données synchronisées : interroger la base de données de temps en temps, des triggers de base de données, etc. Malheureusement, chacune pose des problèmes qui les rendent peu fiables et/ou fragiles. Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler du Change-Data-Capture. Le concept a été décrit par Martin Kleppmann comme une inversion de la base de données : cette dernière peut envoyer des événements de modification (SELECT, DELETE et UPDATE) auxquels on peut s’abonner. Au contraire de l'Event Sourcing qui agrège des événements pour produire l'état, CDC consiste à extraire les événements de l'état. Une fois le CDC implémenté, on peut s'abonner aux événements et mettre à jour le cache en conséquence. Cependant, CDC en est à ses débuts et les implémentations sont assez spécifiques. Dans cette présentation, je décrirai une architecture facile à configurer qui exploite CDC pour avoir un cache synchronisé en permanence.

Lubumbashi DevFest

Pragmatic App Migration to the Cloud: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

In-Memory Computing Summit

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.


Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Singapore Java User Group

Integration Testing from the Trenches - Rebooted

Years after Kent Beck provided JUnit, unit testing is part of most developer teams tooling. However, there’s a trend that tends to threaten unit testing, claiming only integration testing can truly detects defects in software. In this talk, we will first define what unit testing and integration testing are, and their respective pros, cons and uses. Then, we will have a look at the unique challenges posed by integration testing. Finally, tools and techniques will be presented to somewhat remedy to that so that integration testing becomes a true asset in each software developer bag of tricks.


A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Big Mountain Data and Dev Conference

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Codeurs en Seine Meetup

Introduction au Stream Processing

Alors que 'les logiciels mangent le monde', ceux qui sont capables de gérer au mieux l'énorme masse de données sortiront vainqueurs. Le modèle de traitement par lots nous sert fidèlement depuis des décennies. Cependant, il pourrait avoir atteint la fin de son utilité pour tous, sauf certains cas d'utilisation très spécifiques. À mesure que le rythme des entreprises augmente, la plupart du temps, les décideurs préfèrent des données immédiates, même si légèrement fausses plus tôt que des données précises à 100% plus tard. Le traitement de flux de données - ou Stream Processing - correspond exactement à cet usage: au lieu de gérer l'ensemble des données, gérez-en des parties dès qu'elles sont disponibles. Dans cet exposé, je définirai le contexte dans lequel l'ancien modèle de traitement par lots (Batch Processing) est né, les raisons qui sous-tendent le nouveau modèle de traitement de flux (Stream Processing), comment ils se comparent, quels sont leurs avantages et inconvénients, et une liste des technologies existantes mettant en œuvre ce dernier avec leurs caractéristiques les plus marquantes. Je terminerai en décrivant en détail un cas d’utilisation possible du streaming de données qui n’est pas possible avec des lots: afficher en temps (quasi) réel tous les trains en Suisse et leur position sur une carte. Je vais passer en revue toutes les exigences et la conception. Enfin, en utilisant un point de terminaison OpenData et la plate-forme Hazelcast, je tenterai de vous impressionner avec la mise en œuvre d'une démonstration fonctionnelle.

EuropeClouds Summit

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

GDG Kenya DevFest

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

TestCon Europe
Lithuania Vilnius

Mutation Testing to the Rescue of your Tests

Unit testing ensures your production code is relevant. But what does ensure your testing code is relevant? Come discover mutation testing and make sure your never forget another assert again. In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn't mean that the test has been useful or even that an assert has been coded. Mutation testing is a strategy to make sure that the test code is relevant. In this talk, we will explain how Code Coverage is computed, what its inherent flaw is and how Mutation Testing can help us in this regard.

Bangalore JUG

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Bangalore JUG

An Experiment in Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet – but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.


A Hitchhicker's Tour to Containerizing a Java application

As 'the Cloud' becomes more and more widespread, now is a good time to assess how you can containerize your Java application. I assume you’re able to write a a Dockerfile around the generated JAR. However, each time the application’s code will change, the whole image will need to be rebuilt. If you’re deploying to a local Kubernetes cluster environment, this increases that much the length of the feedback loop. In this demo-based talk, I’ll present different ways to get your Java app in a container: Dockerfile, Jib, and Cloud Native Buildpacks. We will also have a look at what kind of Docker image they generate, how they layer the images, whether those images are compatible with skaffold, etc.


3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Big Data LDN

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Geek Camp Singapore

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.


3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Great International Developer Summit

An Experiment in Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet – but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.

Oracle Groundbreakers Tour LATAM

3 Easy Improvements in Your Microservices Architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

OSCONF Hyderabad

Shorten all URLs: Quarkus, Kotlin, Hazelcast and GraalVM in action

At a point in the past, it was forecast that Java would die, but the JVM platform would be its legacy. And in fact, for a long time, the JVM has been tremendously successful. Wikipedia itself list a bunch of languages that run on it, some of them close to Java e.g. Kotlin, some of them very remote e.g. Clojure. But nowadays, the Cloud is becoming ubiquitous. Containerization is the way to go to alleviate some of the vendor lock-in issues. Kubernetes is a de facto platform. If a container needs to be killed for whatever reason (resource consumption, unhealthy, etc.), a new one needs to replace it as fast as possible. In that context, the JVM seems to be a dead-end: its startup time is huge in comparison to a native process. Likewise, it consumes a lot of memory that just increase the monthly bill. What does that mean for us developers? Has all the time spent in learning the JVM ecosystem been invested with no hope of return over investment? Shall we need to invest even more time in new languages, frameworks, libraries, etc.? That is one possibility for sure. But we can also leverage our existing knowledge, and embrace the Cloud and containers ways with the help of some tools. In this talk, I’ll create a simple URL shortener with a 'standard' stack: Kotlin, JAX-RS and Hazelcast. Then, with the help of Quarkus and GraalVM, I’ll turn this application into a native executable with all Cloud/Container related work has been moved to the build process.

Java Global Summit

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Lightup Virtual conference

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Meetups at Wix

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache. description: >

Accento Digital

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.


Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes, Spring Boot and Flyway

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day. You need to think about application backward compatibility, possible rollback, database schema migration, etc. I believe the later is one of the biggest pain point. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema migration with the help of Flyway, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.


A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

Camp Cloud Native

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.


An Experiment of Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet – but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.

London In-Memory Computing Meetup

A Change-Data-Capture use-case: designing an evergreen cache

When one’s app is challenged with poor performances, it’s easy to set up a cache in front of one’s SQL database. It doesn’t fix the root cause (e.g. bad schema design, bad SQL query, etc.) but it gets the job done. If the app is the only component that writes to the underlying database, it’s a no-brainer to update the cache accordingly, so the cache is always up-to-date with the data in the database. Things start to go sour when the app is not the only component writing to the DB. Among other sources of writes, there are batches, other apps (shared databases exist unfortunately), etc. One might think about a couple of ways to keep data in sync i.e. polling the DB every now and then, DB triggers, etc. Unfortunately, they all have issues that make them unreliable and/or fragile. You might have read about Change-Data-Capture before. It’s been described by Martin Kleppmann as turning the database inside out: it means the DB can send change events (SELECT, DELETE and UPDATE) that one can register to. Just opposite to Event Sourcing that aggregates events to produce state, CDC is about getting events out of states. Once CDC is implemented, one can subscribe to its events and update the cache accordingly. However, CDC is quite in its early stage, and implementations are quite specific. In this talk, I’ll describe an easy-to-setup architecture that leverages CDC to have an evergreen cache.

JVM and Java User Group Tirana Albania

Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

Israeli Java User Group

Kubernetes Operators in Java

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

Berlin Buzzwords

Stream Processing Essentials

Take your first steps to understanding and start working with stream processing! By the end of the course, you will be able to build and run distributed streaming pipelines in Java: Explain when to use streaming, design a streaming application from the building blocks, transform, match, correlate and aggregate continuous data, scale, deploy, and operate streaming apps. We will also cover the advantages and disadvantages of the stream processing technologies available when approaching real-world problems.


Real Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet – but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.


An Experiment in Continuos Deployment of JVM Applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet – but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.


Introduction to data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through all requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a demo of it.

London Java Community

An Experiment in Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet - but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.


Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

J on the Beach

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

Kotlin User Group Berlin

Migrating Spring Boot Config Annotations to Functional Kotlin

In the latest years, there has been some push-back against frameworks, and more specifically annotations: some call them magic Obviously, they make understanding the flow of the application harder Spring and Spring Boot latest versions go along this trend, by offering an additional way to configure beans with explicit code instead of annotations It's declarative in the sense it looks like configuration, though it's based on Domain-Specific Language(s) This talk aims to demo a step-by-step process to achieve that.

Istanbul JUG

An Experiment in Continuous Deployment of JVM applications

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet - but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.

Melbourne JUG

Scaling Microservices without compromising performance

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Hazelcast Tech Talk Series

3 Easy Improvements in Your Microservices Architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

A streaming use-case: experimenting with bytecode continuous deployment

A couple of years ago, continuous integration in the JVM ecosystem meant Jenkins. Since that time, a lot of other tools have been made available. But new tools don’t mean new features, just new ways. Beside that, what about continuous deployment? There’s no tool that allows to deploy new versions of a JVM-based application without downtime. The only way to achieve zero downtime is to have multiple nodes deployed on a platform, and let that platform achieve that e.g. Kubernetes. And yet, achieving true continuous deployment of bytecode on one single JVM instance is possible if one changes one’s way of looking at things. What if compilation could be seen as changes? What if those changes could be stored in a data store, and a listener on this data store could stream those changes to the running production JVM via the Attach API? In that talk, I’ll demo exactly that using Hazelcast and Hazelcast Jet - but it’s possible to re-use the principles that will be shown using other streaming technologies.

Tech Meetups@ING

Migrating Spring Boot Config Annotations to Functional Kotlin

In the latest years, there has been some push-back against frameworks, and more specifically annotations: some call them magic Obviously, they make understanding the flow of the application harder Spring and Spring Boot latest versions go along this trend, by offering an additional way to configure beans with explicit code instead of annotations It's declarative in the sense it looks like configuration, though it's based on Domain-Specific Language(s) This talk aims to demo a step-by-step process to achieve that.


3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

San Francisco Java User Group
USA San Francisco

Introduction to Data Streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to best manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. The batch processing model has been faithfully serving us for decades. However, it might have reached the end of its usefulness for all but some very specific use-cases. As the pace of businesses increases, most of the time, decision makers prefer slightly wrong data sooner, than 100% accurate data later. Stream processing - or data streaming - exactly matches this usage: instead of managing the entire bulk of data, manage pieces of them as soon as they become available. In this talk, I’ll define the context in which the old batch processing model was born, the reasons that are behind the new stream processing one, how they compare, what are their pros and cons, and a list of existing technologies implementing the latter with their most prominent characteristics. I’ll conclude by describing in detail one possible use-case of data streaming that is not possible with batches: display in (near) real-time all trains in Switzerland and their position on a map. I’ll go through the all the requirements and the design. Finally, using an OpenData endpoint and the Hazelcast platform, I’ll try to impress attendees with a working demo implementation of it.

Southern California Linux Expo
USA Pasadena

Stream processing and Open Data, a match made in Heaven

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to best manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. Some countries in Europe understand the potential there's in existing data that sits behind closed fences, and passed laws to make this data available to everyone. On the other hand, the batch processing model gets more and more obsolete: users want the information as soon as possible. While there’s a trade-off between correctness of data, and its speed of delivery, most business decisions do not rely on 100% correct data. In this talk, I’ll explain how one can leverage the data related to public transportation in Switzerland, to display them in (near) real-time on a map.

Canada Montréal

3 easy perf improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Canada Montréal

Fast log management for your infrastructure

So, you’ve migrated your application to Reactive Microservices to get the last ounce of performance from your servers. Perhaps you forgot about the logs: they be a huge roadblock on the road. Application produce logs, and they need to be stored e.g. in Elasticsearch, with the minimum of fuss and the fastest way possible. I’ll show you some insider tips and tricks taken from our experience to put you on the track toward fast(er) log management.

DevOps Days Madrid
Spain Madrid

Zero-downtime deployment with Kubernetes, Spring Boot and Flyway

Kubernetes allows a lot. After discovering its features, it’s easy to think it can magically transform your application deployment process into a painless no-event. For Hello World applications, that is the case. Unfortunately, not many of us do deploy such applications day-to-day. You need to think about application backward compatibility, possible rollback, database schema migration, etc. I believe the later is one of the biggest pain point. In this talk, I’ll demo how to update a Spring Boot app deployed on a Kubernetes cluster with a non-trivial database schema migration with the help of Flyway, while keeping the service up during the entire update process.

Madrid Java User Group
Spain Madrid

3 easy performance improvements in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster of server nodes. In this demo-based talk, I'll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it's much easier than one would expect.

Madrid Spring User Group
Spain Madrid

Migrating Spring Boot Apps from Annotation-based Config to Functional with Kotlin

In the latest years, there has been some push-back against frameworks, and more specifically annotations: some call them magic Obviously, they make understanding the flow of the application harder Spring and Spring Boot latest versions go along this trend, by offering an additional way to configure beans with explicit code instead of annotations It's declarative in the sense it looks like configuration, though it's based on Domain-Specific Language(s) This talk aims to demo a step-by-step process to achieve that.

JUG Kaiserslautern
Germany Kaiserslautern

3 performance improvements with Hazelcast IMDG in your microservices architecture

While a microservices architecture is more scalable than a monolith, it has a direct hit on performance. To cope with that, one performance improvement is to set up a cache. It can be configured for database access, for REST calls or just to store session state across a cluster. In this demo-based talk, I’ll show how Hazelcast In-Memory Data Grid can help you in each one of those areas and how to configure it. Hint: it’s much easier than one would expect.

Luxembourg Luxembourg

3 Idées d’amélioration pour vos Architectures Microservices

Si une architecture en microservices est plus évolutive qu’une approche monolithique, elle a toutefois un impact direct sur les performances. Pour adresser cela, une amélioration de performance peut être obtenue en mettant en oeuvre un cache. II peut servir aux accés bases de données, aux invocations REST ou simplement pour conserver un état de session dans un cluster de noeuds serveur. Dans cette présentation basée sur des démonstrations, je vais vous montrer comment la solution Hazelcast In Memory Data Grid peut vous aider dans chacun de ces domaines et comment le configurer. Un petit indice: c’est beaucoup plus simple que vous pourriez le penser

Brussels Java User Group
Belgium Bruxelles

Fun with near real-time data streaming

While 'software is eating the world', those who are able to best manage the huge mass of data will emerge out on the top. Some countries in Europe understand the potential there's in existing data that sits behind closed fences, and passed laws to make this data available to everyone. On the other hand, the batch processing model gets more and more obsolete: users want the information as soon as possible. While there’s a trade-off between correctness of data, and its speed of delivery, most business decisions do not rely on 100% correct data. In this talk, I’ll explain how one can leverage the data related to public transportation in Switzerland, to display them in (near) real-time on a map.

Config Management Camp
Belgium Ghent

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

Docker Geneva
Switzerland Geneva

Your own Kubernetes Operator: Not Only in Go

In Kubernetes, operators allow the API to be extended to your heart content. If one task requires too much YAML, it’s easy to create an operator to take care of the repetitive cruft, and only require a minimum amount of YAML. On the other hand, since its beginnings, the Go language has been advertised as closer to the hardware, and is now ubiquitous in low-level programming. Kubernetes has been rewritten from Java to Go, and its whole ecosystem revolves around Go. For that reason, It’s only natural that Kubernetes provides a Go-based framework to create your own operator. While it makes sense, it requires organizations willing to go down this road to have Go developers, and/or train their teams in Go. While perfectly acceptable, this is not the only option. In fact, since Kubernetes is based on REST, why settle for Go and not use your own favorite language? In this talk, I’ll describe what is an operator, how they work, how to design one, and finally demo a Java-based operator that is as good as a Go one.

USA Sandursky

Mutation Testing to the Rescue of your Tests

Unit testing ensures your production code is relevant. But what does ensure your testing code is relevant? Come discover mutation testing and make sure your never forget another assert again. In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn't mean that the test has been useful or even that an assert has been coded. Mutation testing is a strategy to make sure that the test code is relevant. In this talk, we will explain how Code Coverage is computed, what its inherent flaw is and how Mutation Testing can help us in this regard.