Luxoft Technology Serie

Spring Boot loves Devops

Spring Boot is a product from Spring, that provides many configuration defaults for a new Spring project, so that one can set up a project in minutes. However, this is only one of the many features of Spring Boot. One of its module also provides many important Non-Functional Requirements out-of-the-box: monitoring, metrics, exposing those over HTTP, etc. In this presentation, I'll demo some of those, that will make DevOps more than a little happy.

Ukraine Kiev

Spring Boot for Devops

Spring Boot is a product from Spring, that provides many configuration defaults for a new Spring project, so that one can set up a project in minutes. However, this is only one of the many features of Spring Boot. One of its module also provides many important Non-Functional Requirements out-of-the-box: monitoring, metrics, exposing those over HTTP, etc. In this presentation, I'll demo some of those, that will make DevOps more than a little happy.

Russian Federation St Petersburg

Spring Boot loves DevOps

Spring Boot is a product from Spring, that provides many configuration defaults for a new Spring project, so that one can set up a project in minutes. However, this is only one of the many features of Spring Boot. One of its module also provides many important Non-Functional Requirements out-of-the-box: monitoring, metrics, exposing those over HTTP, etc. In this presentation, I'll demo some of those, that will make DevOps more than a little happy.

Russian Federation St Petersburg

Improve Testing Code Quality with Mutation Testing

Unit testing ensures your production code is relevant. But what does ensure your testing code is relevant? Come discover mutation testing and make sure your never forget another assert again. In the realm of testing, the code coverage metrics is the most often talked about. However, it doesn't mean that the test has been useful or even that an assert has been coded. Mutation testing is a strategy to make sure that the test code is relevant. In this talk, I will explain how Code Coverage is computed and what its inherent flaw is. Afterwards, I will describe how Mutation Testing work and how it helps pointing out code that is tested but leave out corner cases. I will also demo PIT, a Java production-grade framework that enables Mutation Testing on a simple code base. If time allows, a demo will also show how PIT can be integrated with Sonar.

with Evegeny Mandrikov

SpringOne 2GX
USA Washington DC

Get the Most out of Testing with Spring Framework 4.2

In this session, Sam and Nicolas will cover the latest testing features in Core Spring, Spring Boot, and Spring Security. In addition to new features, they will also present insider tips and best practices on integration testing with suites in TestNG, database transactions, SQL script execution, granularity of context configuration files, optimum use of the context cache, a discussion on TestNG vs. JUnit, and much more.

with Sam Brannen

SpringOne 2GX
USA Washington DC

Spring Boot for DevOps

Spring Boot is a product from Spring, that provides many configuration defaults for a new Spring project, so that one can set up a project in minutes. However, this is only one of the many features of Spring Boot. One of its module also provides many important Non-Functional Requirements out-of-the-box: monitoring, metrics, exposing those over HTTP, etc. In this presentation, I'll demo some of those, that will make DevOps more than a little happy.

Ukraine Kiev

Spring Boot for Devops

Spring Boot is a product from Spring, that provides many configuration defaults for a new Spring project, so that one can set up a project in minutes. However, this is only one of the many features of Spring Boot. One of its module also provides many important Non-Functional Requirements out-of-the-box: monitoring, metrics, exposing those over HTTP, etc. In this presentation, I’ll demo some of those, that will make DevOps more than a little happy.

Greece Thessaloniki

Integration Testing from the Trenches

When one uses Test-Driven Development, has more then 90% test coverage and the best Sonar metrics ever seen, and still finds regular bugs in his application, it is time for something more. Unit Testing is like testing a car's every nuts and bolts while Integration Testing is like leading it on a test drive: one cannot achieve high internal quality without the other. However, Integration Testing might seem very complex when put in place for the first several times; I have made many mistakes and have lost much time. In this presentation, I will present tools that helped me tremendously in Integration Testing, as well as proven tactics to get the best out of your tests.

Poland Cracow

Cargo Culting and Memes in Java

Who never stumbled upon some bad piece of code? Most of the time, it's not bad, it just had different assumptions. The problem is that those assumptions may have been coming from very far. Come challenge your assumptions in this talk, I promise a good laugh (some of it at the speaker's expenses). Given most of our profession comes from a computer scientist background, it is expected that we use a scientific and verifiable approach in decision taking processes. Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth. Our environment is ridden with irrational convictions that come from out of nowhere. Those are of two different kinds: memes are 'ideas, behaviors, or styles that spreads from person to person within our culture' while cargo culting is the 'ritual inclusion of code or program structures that serve no real purpose'. Both are deeply entrenched in our community. This talk will try to challenge some of those common ideas, by highlighting the most pervasive ones.

Lyon JUG
France Lyon

Tests d'intégration

Vous avez atteint le Graal de 100% de Code Coverage ? Bravo ! Pourtant, vous rencontrez encore des bugs lors du lancement de l'application. Vous pratiquez déjà les Tests d'Intégration ? Bravo également ! Pourtant, vous devez les corriger sans cesse car ils sont instables. Dans cette présentation, je tenterai de démontrer la raison d'être des Tests d'Intégration et leur complémentarité avec les Tests Unitaires. Je montrerai également comment améliorer la fiabilité des TI et quels sont les outils pour cela. Le reste de la présentation sera consacré aux TI in-container, Spring et Java EE.