Maven logging Log4J2 SLF4J Spring Boot

Feedback on the Log4J2 hack in Spring Boot

Last week, I wrote a post that described how to hack the Maven dependency resolution system. I admit it was a dirty hack, it’s even in the post name. But I got it wrong. Thanks Stéphane Nicoll for pointing it out: "It boils down to excluding the spring-boot-starter-logging in every Spring Boot starter"Since you've put every in bold, I assume you meant it. That's actually wrong and not what the documentation states.Here is an example:— Stéph

Maven hack logging Log4J2 SLF4J Spring Boot

A dirty hack to ease the usage of Log4J2 in Spring Boot

Logging is one of the fundamental components of any application which runs in production. Yet, between performance and logging in critical environments, I’d favor the former. For that reason, modern logging frameworks should implement at least two requirements: Async appenders: the write operation shouldn’t be blocking the execution of the programLazy computation: the framework doesn’t run expensive computations until they are needed - or never if that’s the case. The fi

logging analytics SLF4J

Logging additional metadata

In February, before the lockdown, I presented my Fast logs talk at ConFoo. At the end, I had an interesting question I had to cut short because of the timing. This blog post aims to describe the relevant points of the talk, the question, as well as some possible answer. One improvement to have faster logs In this talk, I highlight different ways to make logs faster. Nowadays, most logs are aggregated into a single place for later usage. For example, a widespread architecture is based on the E