Rust Tauri GUI

My opinion on the Tauri framework

I’ve always liked GUI, both desktop-based and browser-based before you needed five years of training on the latter. That’s the reason I loved, and still love Vaadin: you can develop web UIs without writing a single line of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. I’m still interested in the subject; a couple of years ago, I analyzed the state of JVM desktop frameworks. I also like the Rust programming language a lot. Tauri is a Rust-based framework for building desktop applications. Here&

GUI SWT Kotlin

The state of JVM desktop frameworks: SWT

This is the 3rd post in the The state of JVM desktop frameworks focus series. This series is dedicated to the state of JVM desktop frameworks. After having had a look at Swing the previous week, this post focuses on the Standard Widget Toolkit. SWT originates from the Eclipse project, an IDE. For Eclipse, the developers built a dedicated framework to build their graphic components upon. Swing implements the drawing of widgets in Java from scratch. On the opposite, SWT is a thin wrapper API that r

GUI Swing JavaFX Flex SWT Java Web Start

The state of JVM desktop frameworks: introduction

This is the 1st post in the The state of JVM desktop frameworks focus series. I’m interested in GUI applications since I’ve starting coding. Building a back-end app that manages teraflops of operations is an impressive engineering feat. But the feedback cycle when developing a desktop app is much shorter. That makes it, at least for me, much more motivating. This is even truer for side-projects.

Vaadin productivity GUI

Why I (still) love Vaadin

It’s funny how things come in sequences. Recently, on three separate occasions, I stumbled upon questions asking what people used for front-end technologies. Every time, my answer was Vaadin. Unfortunately, some places, e.g. Twitter, are too limiting to explain my answer in depth. In this blog, I’ve no such limitations. In one sentence, Vaadin is a framework to create GUI using plain Java, or any JVM-based language for that matter. One develop in Java, and the framework takes care o

GUI webapp

Reusing front-end components in web applications

In the Java SE realm, GUI components are based on Java classes with the help of libraries such as AWT, Swing or the newer JavaFX. As such, they can be shared across projects, to be inherited and composed. Things are entirely different in the Java EE world, as GUI components are completely heterogeneous in nature: they may include static HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, images, Java Server Pages or Java Server Faces. Solutions to share these resources must be tailored to each type. Si