Aug 27, 2017 hiring recruiting certification You're not a compiler! At conferences, it’s common to get gifts at booths. In general, you need to pass some some sort of challenge. Some of those challenges involve answering a code puzzle, like guessing the output of running some code snippet.
May 26, 2008 certification cx-055-083 scwcd web (Ooops) I dit it again I’m sorry (not really in fact) about the title. I just got the Sun Certified Web Component Developer (CX-055-083) certification with a score of 91%. I’m happy. Life is good. Now I’m reaching for the next step, the Architect certification. Wish me luck !
Apr 7, 2008 certification scjp sun sun certified java programer I did it Yes! After many grueling hours (days and weeks!) of work, I finally managed to get the Sun Certified Java Programer for Java 5. I hope it will be the first step toward my goal: the Sun Certified Enterprise Architect. Meanwhile, I ready myself for the Sun Certified Web Component Developer.