download eclispe ganymede

Ganymede is out

A quick one this week (hey, it’s summer, everyone is entitled to a little lazyness). After all the long waiting, Ganymede is out ! Apart from being one of Jupiter’s moons (like Callisto and Europa ), Ganymede is the latest release of the Eclipse IDE, namely version 3.4. Ganymede is available in several packages, one will suerly fits your needs. You can download them from here and then update the package from within Eclipse. Have fun!

dbunit derby javadb unit test

Speeding up your DBUnit tests with JavaDB

Introduction to DBUnit With the developed use of JUnit, many additions were made to it. These additions take advantage of the pluggable nature of JUnit. One of these contribution is DBUnit. DBUnit enables your unit tests to: preload the database with datas pertaining to your current test only,run your unit test (as usual),remove the data you preloaded in order to put the database in the same it was before your additions. In effect, you can now test your DAO classes. Let’s take a (very)

junit testng unit test

The unit test war : JUnit vs TestNG

What is unit testing anyway? If you’re in contact with Java development, as a developer, an architect or a project manager, you can’t have heard of unit testing, as every quality method enforces its use. From Wikipedia: Unit testing is a test (often automated) that validates that individual units of source code are working properly. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application. In procedural programming a unit may be an individual program, function, procedure, etc., wh

claroline dokeos elearning lms

Learning Management System and shared hosting

You probably know about CMS (Content Management System). There’s a specialized form of CMS which focuses on learning and is known as (wait for it): Learning Management System (LMS). Well, since I teach in engineer schools, the thought of being able to provide such a service to my students appealed to me. After a short review of avalaible applications (I happen to have a life and cannot develop all nights), the choices narrowed to : Moodle,Dokeos,Claroline. Moodle is elimintated from the

display library table tabulated tag taglib

VIT: Very Important Taglib

Every application needs to display tabulated data. Well, web applications are no different. So, as an architect, your job is to provide a mechanism to handle these tables gracefully and equally in your whole application. First thing that comes to mind is the reuse of an existing mechanism to do so. Well, you’re lucky. If you don’t happen to have to use JSF, there’s a neat tag library that handles the job like a pro. For those that don’t remember what a taglib is, please