boilerplate code decrease generation lombok morbok reduce

Lombok reduces your boilerplate code

In this article, I show you the power of the product I stumbled upon this week: Project Lombok enables you to modify bytecode at compile code. First, I will detail what features Lombok brings you out-of-the-box. In the second part of this article, I will describe how to extend it to generate you own code. Introduction Since the dawn of JEE, complaints have been filed regarding the complexity of coding components. I consider EJB v2 a very good example of this complexity: for just a simple EJB,

effective maven

Apache Maven 2 Effective implementation

This review is about Packt’s Apache Maven 2 Effective Implementation by Maria Odea Ching and Brett Porter. Facts 12 chapters, 436 pages, 39.99$This book is intended for people that already have a good experience of Maven. The 'About Maven' part is as small as it can get, it is the opposite of what could be 'Maven for Dummies', where you learn to type mvn something.A good portion of the book is about tools that are part of the Maven ecosystem: Continuum for the CI part and Archiva for the

book packt review

Packt book reviews

I was contacted last week by Packt Publishing. They made me the following offer: I was to choose the books I wished in their catalog and then write an article for each of them. I gave this offer much thought and finally said yes on the condition I was to be free to say what I really thought about the book. Since I’m not known for my soft stances on many subjects, I’m really looking forward to write my first article; first, to evaluate the book’s material in itself and second,