arquillian integration testing jboss testng

Arquillian on legacy servers

In most contexts, when something doesn’t work, you just Google the error and you’re basically done. One good thing about working for organizations that lag behind technology-wise is that it generally is more challenging and you’re bound to be creative. Me, I’m stuck on JBoss 5.1 EAP, but that doesn’t stop me for trying to use modern approach in software engineering. In the quality domain, one such try is to be able to provide my developers a way to test their code in

ejb3 spring

EJB3 façade over Spring services

As a consultant, you seldom get to voice out your opinions regarding the technologies used by your customers and it’s even more extraordinary when you’re heard. My current context belongs to the usual case: I’m stuck with Java 6 running JBoss 5.1 EAP with no chance of going forward in the near future (and I consider myself happy since a year and a half ago, that was Java 5 with JOnAS 4). Sometimes, others wonder if I’m working in a museum but I see myself more as an archae

user interface web

Quick evaluation of Twitter Bootstrap

I must admit I suck at graphical design. It’s one of the reasons that put me in the way of Flex and Vaadin in the first place: out-of-the-box, you got an application that is pleasing to the eye. Using one of these technologies is not possible (nor relevant) in all contexts, and since I’ve got a strong interest in UI, I regularly have a look at other alternatives for clean looking applications. The technology I studied this week is Twitter Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a lightweight clie

specification test

Specification by Example review

This review is about Specifications by Example by Gojko Adzic from Manning. Facts 18 chapters, 254 pages, $29.21This book covers Specifications by Example (you could have guessed it from the title). In effect, SBE are a way to build the right software (for the customers), as opposed to build the software right (which is our trade as engineers). Specification by Example is a set of process patterns that facilitate change in software products to ensure that the right product is delivered effic

eclipse maven wtp

Why Eclipse WTP doesn't publish libraries when using m2e

Lately, I noticed my libraries weren’t published to Tomcat when I used a Maven project in Eclipse, even though it was standard war packaging. Since I mostly use Vaadin, I didn’t care much, I published the single vaadin-x.y.z.jar to the deployed WEB-INF/lib manually and I was done with it. Then, I realized it happened on two different instances of Eclipse and for the writing of Develop Vaadin apps with Scala, I used 3 different libraries, so I wanted to correct the problem.


Devoxx France 2012 day 3

Last day of Devoxx France 2012! Waking up was not so easy, I had to drink a coffee to get me going (and I never do). Trends in mobile application development by Greg Truty I didn’t take notes on this one because my computer rebooted 🙃 Mobile is becoming strategic to the business: it’s beginning to be the equivalent to CRM, portals, and such other assets. On the development side, mobile development is akin to traditional development. There are a couple of differences however: dev


Devoxx Fr 2012 Day 2

Today begins with the big talk from the Devoxx Fr team, which sums up the story of the Paris JUG and Devoxx France. Proud to be developer? by Pierre Pezziardi In some social situations, when you are asked what you do in life, it’s hard to tell you’re a computer programmer. Because IT is late, costly and well, not very used in everydays life. That’s not entirely untrue. The cost of implementing a feature is constantly growing: IT is the only industry where there is no produ


Jenkins Users Conference Paris

I was lucky to assist to the Jenkins Users Conference Paris 2012 and here are some of the notes I’ve taken from the different talks. Take into account I’m French and not used to hear much spoken English 😉 Welcome talk by Kohsuke Kawaguchi. A little bit of history first. Jenkins began innocently enough, because Kohsuke broke one build too many. In 2004, in order to monitor the success/failure of his builds, he created two little shell scripts. The idea was born and soon, he used Ja


Devoxx Fr 2012 Day 1

Though your humble writer is a firm believer in abstraction from underlying mechanics, I chose the following conference because there are some use-cases when one is confronted by performance issues that come from mismatch between the developer’s intent and its implementation. Matching them require a better understanding of what really happens. From Runnable and synchronize to parallel() and atomically() by Jose Paumard The talk is all about concurrent programming and its associated side