
Software labels translation is not so easy

Some developers have hardly ever touched software labels translation, some do it on a day-to-day basis. It sure helps to work in a country with more than one language – official or de facto. Even for in the first case, it’s considered good practice to externalize labels in properties files. As for the second case, languages are in general related. In Java, the whole label translation mechanism is handled through a hierarchy of properties files. At the top of the hierarchy lies the root file,

git github gitlab provider

GitLab, the overlooked Git solution in the cloud

When one thinks about hosting one’s Git repository online, one’s first choice is just Github, no questions asked. It’s so successful that it has become the de facto standard of Git solutions in the cloud. It’s so well-entrenched that developers are advised to use it as their portfolio. At first glance, Github has it all: public repositories, group collaboration, metrics, page hosting, on-premise install option, etc. Major players host their Open-Source code on Github: Sp


Maze-walking algorithm

Last week, a colleague pointed out to my team an online developer recruitment challenge. As I find it fun and there was no need to disclose one’s email, I decided to try, just to check if I could to it. The problem is quite simple but not easy: consider a rectangular maze of finite size. One has to find a specific cell on the board - the exit, starting from the origin. One has 2 move options: one cell at a time in one of the 4 cardinal points or jumping to any previously visited cell. Of

kotlin mutation testing pit

Experimental: Kotlin and mutation testing

Since about a year and a half, I do a lot of presentations on Mutation Testing. In those, my point is to show that Code Coverage’s only benefit is that it’s easy to compute but that it’s meaningless - hence Mutation Testing. Since some time, I’ve been interested in Kotlin, a language from JetBrains that runs on the JVM. It’s only natural that I wanted to check how Mutation Testing could be applied to the Kotlin language.

kotlin vaadin

Feedback on customizing Vaadin HTML template

Last week, my post was about how you could customize the default Vaadin HTML template so you could add a lang attribute for example. I didn’t ask for feedback, but I got it anyway, so let’s use the occasion to analyze it. First, I must admit that my solution was not Vaadin-esque as I used AOP to get the job done. My friend Matti Tahvonen from the Vaadin team was kind enough to provide not only one but 2 alternatives to my proposal.

algorithm kotlin

Feedback on the Josephus problem

My last week article was about the solving the Josephus problem in Kotlin. For ease of comparison, here’s the version I wrote originally: class Soldier(val position: Int) { var state = State.Living lateinit var next: Soldier fun suicide() { state = State.Dead } fun isDead() = state == State.Dead } enum class State { Living, Dead } class Circle(private val size: Int, private val step: Int) { private val first = Soldier(0) init { var p