container build optimization

Strategies for optimizing Maven Docker images

Last week, I wrote on how to design a generic Docker image for Maven-based auto-executable webapps. The designed build file has 3 different stages: checkout from Github, build with Maven and execute with Java. The Maven build stage takes quite a long time, mostly due to: Executing testsDownloading dependencies Tests can be executed earlier in the build chain - then skipped for Docker, this post will focus on speeding up the download of the dependencies. Let’s check each option in turn.

database data visualization

A use-case for Google Fusion Tables

I’ve been traveling somewhat during the last few years, and I wanted to check on a map which countries I already visited. There’s one requirement: I want the whole area of countries I’ve visited to be highlighted. There are a couple of solutions for that: The Elastic stack Data can be stored in ElasticSearch, and there’s one world map visualization available for the Kibana dashboard. This works, but: The visualization handles geo-location, but no highlighting an entire

scala kotlin

Scala vs Kotlin: Multiple Inheritance and the Diamond problem

This is the 4th post in the Scala vs. Kotlin focus series. Inheritance is one of the basic tenet of Object-Oriented Programming, along with encapsulation and polymorphism. Alongside simple inheritance, there is multiple inheritance: feature of some object-oriented computer programming languages in which an object or class can inherit characteristics and features from more than one parent object or parent class. It is distinct from single inheritance, where an object or class may only inherit from


Managing publications with Jekyll

Some time ago, I migrated my WordPress blog to Jekyll for different reasons including performance, security, and hosting costs - but mainly because I lost too much time maintaining the platform and the plugins up-to-date. So far, I’m very happy about the result. But I had to change the way I’m writing posts I intend to publish later. In WordPress, the process is very simple: write a draft anytime you want; edit it to your heart’s content and when ready, hit publish. Done. Je

code quality SonarQube Kotlin plugin ANTLR

A SonarQube plugin for Kotlin - Creating the plugin proper

This is the 3rd post in a series about creating a SonarQube plugin for the Kotlin language: The first post was about creating the parsing code itself.The 2nd post detailed how to use the parsing code to check for two rules. In this final post, we will be creating the plugin proper using the code of the 2 previous posts. The Sonar model The Sonar model is based on the following abstractions: Plugin Entry-point for plugins to inject extensions into SonarQube A plugin points to the ot

code quality SonarQube Kotlin plugin

A SonarQube plugin for Kotlin - Analyzing with ANTLR

Last week, we used ANTLR to generate a library to be able to analyze Kotlin code. It’s time to use the generated API to check for specific patterns. API overview Let’s start by having a look at the generated API: KotlinLexer: Executes lexical analysis.KotlinParser: Wraps classes representing all Kotlin tokens, and handles parsing errors.KotlinParserVisitor: Contract for implementing the Visitor pattern on Kotlin code. KotlinParserBaseVisitor is its empty implementation, to ease t