Spring configuration beans context Kotlin

Multiple ways to configure Spring

Two weeks ago, I wrote how you could write a Spring application with no annotations. Many alternatives are available to configure your Spring app. I’d like to list them in this post, leaving Spring Boot out of the picture on purpose. Core concepts Property file XML Groovy DSL Self-annotated classes Configuration classes Kotlin DSL Bean definitions Beans Conclusion Core concepts A couple of concepts are central in Spring. The related documentation doesn’t describe most of them

testing testng junit comparison

Reassessing TestNG vs. Junit

In my latest blog post, I advised reassessing one’s opinion now and then as the IT world changes fast. What was true a couple of years ago could be dead wrong nowadays, and you probably don’t want to base your decisions on outdated data. This week, I’d like to follow my advice. One of my first posts was advocating for TestNG vs. JUnit. In the post, I mentioned several features that JUnit lacked: No parameterizationNo groupingNo test method ordering Since JUnit 5 has been out

spring framework functional programming

Annotation-free Spring

Some, if not most, of our judgments regarding technology stacks come either from third-party opinions or previous experiences. Yet, we seem to be adamant about them. For a long time (and sometimes even now), I’ve seen posts that detailed how Spring is bad because it uses XML for its configuration. Unfortunately, they blissfully ignore the fact that annotation-based configuration has been available for ages. Probably because of the same reason I recently read that Spring is bad…​

management agile metrics continuous improvement

On metrics

There’s still an ongoing debate whether development in particular and IT, in general, are engineering practices. In all cases, there’s no denying that our industry is based on scientific foundations. Most of the organizations I’ve worked for implement the Deming wheel in one form or another: From a bird’s eye view, it makes a lot of sense. And given the success of the method in the Japanese car industry, there’s no denying that it’s effective. However,

DevRel public speaking CoVid

On online public speaking

On March 14th, 2020, I landed home. I had planned the week before to be productive: one talk in Pasadena, two talks in San Francisco, one in Bucharest, and one in Istanbul. Then, on the 16th, I was supposed to fly again to other events. Then, Covid happened. Governments started to close borders; in turn, organizers began to cancel events. I managed to do the talk in Pasadena with about ten people in the room. The organizer of one of the San Francisco talks managed to move my talk online. The re

data git github

Updating data files, commits vs. pull requests

For once, I’m wondering a bit if this post can be helpful to somebody else. I believe my context is pretty specific. Anyway, just in case it might be the case, here it is. My Jet Train project makes use of GTFS. GTFS stands for General Transit Feed Specification. It models public transportation schedules and their associated geographic information. GTFS is based on two kinds of data, static data, and dynamic data. Static data may change but do so rarely, e.g., transit agencies and bus s

GitLab Continuous Deployment Docker Kaniko DevOps

GitLab as your Continuous Deployment one-stop shop

This week, I want to take a break from my Start Rust series and focus on a different subject. I’ve already written about my blogging stack in detail. However, I didn’t touch into one facet, and that facet is how I generate the static pages from Jekyll. As I describe in the blog post, I’ve included quite a couple of customizations. Some of them require external dependencies, such as: A JRE for PlantUML diagrams generationThe graphviz package for the same reasonetc. All in all

Rust random

diceroller, a sample Rust project

This is the 8th post in the Start Rust focus series. For me, the best learning process is switching regularly between learning and doing, theory and practice. The last post was research, hence, this one will be coding. I’ve been a player of Role-Playing Games since I’m 11. Of course, I’ve played Dungeons & Dragons (mainly the so-called Advanced Edition) but after a few years, I’ve taken upon Champions and its HERO system. The system is based on points allotment and all