jekyll blog mac os install

Running Jekyll on a Mac

At the beginning of the year, I had two new Macs in a row in one month. I changed my company and had to return my previous laptop. Thus, I ordered a replacement one, but due to the current hardware shortage, the shipping took weeks: I had to rent one in the meanwhile. It means I had to install my Jekyll stack twice in a row. The first time took quite some time; the second one was much faster. In this post, I’d like to write it down once and for all to help other developers who want to d


My summary of jPrime 2022

Writing summaries of conference talks is the best way to focus on the talk and listen actively. Before conference speaking became part of my job, I did it. However, I don’t attend that many talks now, and I don’t take notes when I do. jPrime is a conference in Bulgaria, and after two cancellations due to Covid, they had their edition this week. Probably, for this reason, the atmosphere is quite emulating: I attended a couple of talks; here are my notes. Replicating production on y

architecture microservices system design

Chopping the monolith - the demo

In my previous blog post Chopping the monolith, I explained my stance on microservices and why it shouldn’t be your golden standard. However, I admitted that some parts of the codebase were less stable than others and had to change more frequently. I proposed 'chopping' these few parts to cope with this requirement while keeping the monolith intact. As Linus Torvalds once wrote: Talk is cheap, show me the code! I want to show how to do it within the scope of a small demo project to

context receiver

Toying with Kotlin's context receivers

Kotlin added the idea of Context Receivers in version 1.6.20. In this post, I’d like to toy with them to understand how useful they can be. If you want to play along, you’ll need to compile with the -Xcontext-receivers flag. The main idea behind context receivers is to pass additional parameters to a function without having to do it explicitly. A simplified model sample Let’s start with a simple example to show how it works. We want to model a simple transfer op

GitLab DevOps Continuous Deployment

Conditional build on GitLab

Regular readers of this blog know that I’m using Jekyll to generate the static site. I’m using GitLab: when I push on the master branch, it triggers the generation job. However, Jekyll is Ruby-based and requires a couple of Gem dependencies. I’ve also added a few plugins. For this reason, I’ve created a Docker image with all required dependencies. Regularly, I update the versions in the Gemfile.lock via Bundler. Afterward, I need to rebuild the Docker image. Hence, two

GitHub Google Cloud authentication

Securely authenticate to Google Cloud from GitHub

Recently, I designed a simple metrics-tracking system. A Python script queries different providers' APIs for metrics, e.g., Twitter, GitHub, etc. The idea is to run this script each day, store them in Google BigQuery and provide an excellent data visualization in Google Data Studio. I’m a big fan of automation, so I’m using GitHub Actions. Accessing Google Cloud with a Service Account I query the different APIs with different Python libraries. All of them allow authenticating by p

architecture microservices system design

Chopping the monolith

If you attend conferences or read technical articles, you could think that microservices are the correct and only way to build a system at the moment. Despite some pushback from cooler heads, the default architecture is microservices. In this post, I’d like to argue why it’s wrong. I’ll first get back to the origin of microservices and the fundamental reason to use them. Then, I’ll describe why microservices don’t fit most organizations' structures. Afterward, I̵


Beautify your GitHub repo

Whether you like it or not, GitHub has become the primary provider to host one’s code. You or your company is probably using GitHub. I want to highlight some files to beautify your GitHub repository in this post. README I hope that by now, everybody is familiar with READMES. If one places a README file at the root of one’s repo, GitHub will display its content on the repo’s homepage. However, here are a couple of tips you may not know. The README may be in different form

Rust system programming

Rust in Action

I’m pretty much a learning-by-doing kind of guy. However, I tend to get back to documentation after a certain level. Last year, I started to learn the Rust programming language on my own. Then, I felt the need to read some theories. I have known the 'In Action' Manning series for a long time. When I saw Rust in Action, I thought it would be a step in this direction. Facts 12 chapters, $33.59The book’s subtitle is 'Systems programming concepts and techniques'. Unlike most subtitle

option optional nullable type Functional Programming

Handling null: optional and nullable types

Java has long been infamous for its NullPointerException. The reason for the NPE is calling a method or accessing an attribute of an object that has not been initialized. var value = foo.getBar().getBaz().toLowerCase(); Running this snippet may result in something like the following: Exception in thread 'main' java.lang.NullPointerException at At this point, you have no clue which part is null in the call chain: foo, or the value ret