No more Hibernate? Really?

I recently stumbled upon this punchy one-liner: No More Hibernate!.

At first, I couldn’t believe what I read. Then, scrolling down, I noticed that the site was linked to jOOQ, a framework that advocates for SQL to have a first-class status in Java:

SQL was never meant to be abstracted. To be confined in the narrow boundaries of heavy mappers, hiding the beauty and simplicity of relational data. SQL was never meant to be object-oriented. SQL was never meant to be anything other than…​ SQL!

So the jOOQ people do not like Hibernate, EclipseLink and JPA, and prefer writing SQL albeit in Java syntax. I couldn’t swallow this statement and thought about this article. Anyway, its final form is somewhat different from the flaming I originally intended.

I don’t remember fondly the time when I had to write SQL by hand. Perhaps I lost my ability to understand SQL when I understood Object-Oriented Programming? Sure, I wrote once or twice monster PL/SQL scripts, but beyond that, I struggle to write queries with more than 2 joins. And it really bothers me to concatenate strings to create queries with optional parameters.

When I discovered Hibernate - 7 years ago, I could only think: "Wow, these guys understand exactly what is wrong with plain JDBC!". Since that time, there has been myBatis (formerly iBatis), more Hibernate versions, JPA v1, JPA v2, and so on. It isn’t as if SQL was really welcomed in the Java world…​ So, who is foolish enough to challenge this?

After letting some background thread digest this "No more Hibernate" stuff, some facts came back to the surface. In particular, do you have ever been in a interview with a candidate proudly displaying Hibernate skills on his CV? For me, it usually goes like this:

  • First question: "Could you describe the reason behind LazyInitializationException?" <blank stare>
  • Second question: "Ok, what’s the difference between eager and lazy loading?" <…​>
  • When candidates answer both questions correctly - and that’s not so common, my third question is something along: "What’s your way of avoiding those exceptions?"

At this point, given the fraction of matching candidates, I’m to the point of accepting nearly every answer, even some I’m strongly against, such as the OpenSessionInViewFilter.

Dare I also mention the time I had to review an application code and discovered that each and every attribute was eagerly loaded? Or when I was asked to investigate an OutOfMemoryError in staging but only when logging was activated? Thanks to Dynatrace, I discovered that Hibernate entities all inherited from an abstract class that overrode toString() to use introspection to log every attribute value. To be honest, I had showed this trick to the developer earlier to use when debugging, I wouldn’t have thought he would log entities.

And those are things I know and understand; I’m also aware of more Hibernate’s pitfalls: please check this awesome presentation, by Patrycja Wegrzynowicz to realize its overall scope.

On one hand, Hibernate really rocked the JDBC world, on the other hand, it really set the developer skills bar higher. Even if "No more Hibernate" is really too strong for my own taste, I guess having a look at your team skills and knowledge before choosing your DAO technology stack can go a long way toward meeting your project deadlines and avoiding bad surprises in the later stages.

Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel is a technologist focusing on cloud-native technologies, DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, and system observability. His focus revolves around creating technical content, delivering talks, and engaging with developer communities to promote the adoption of modern software practices. With a strong background in software, he has worked extensively with the JVM, applying his expertise across various industries. In addition to his technical work, he is the author of several books and regularly shares insights through his blog and open-source contributions.

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No more Hibernate? Really?
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