Win Free Copies of Learning Vaadin book

To celebrate the release of my new book, Learning Vaadin, Packt is giving away 3 copies especially to my blog readers. Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the lucky winners. Overview of Learning Vaadin Discover the Vaadin framework in a progressive and structured wayLearn about components, events, layouts, containers, and bindings Read more about this book and download a free sample chapter. How to Enter? Head on over to the book page and look through the product description

logging slf4j

Configuring Maven to use SLF4J

I mainly write articles for two reasons: to understand something that is new to me or to document something I regularly have to explain to others. This article definitely falls in the second category: in order to celebrate the new 1.0.0 version of Logback, I’ve decided to write down once and for all how to properly use SLF4J with Maven since it seems there’s no shortage of questions about it. Basics The basis of SLF4J is to have two separate components, one API and one implementat


Learning Vaadin is out

This is it! After 10 monts of work, my first book is out: 'Learning Vaadin' is now available at Packt and Amazon. First things first, what’s is Vaadin? Vaadin is a presentation-layer web framework that let you easily develop Rich Internet Applications. It does so by provding an abstraction over the Servlet API and by letting developers assemble components to design screens (as opposed to pages as in previous generation web frameworks). If you got 5 minutes to spare, you can go try the tut


Maven doesn't suck, your POM does

Maven bashing is an all-time favorite: there are plenty of articles telling how Maven downloads the whole Internet, or how POMs are bloated and so on. While I agree that Maven could be perfected, I’m also aware that some (if not most) of its shortcomings are not intrinsic but are caused by (very) bad configuration. Worse, even if used correctly in your projects, problems sometimes come from third-party dependencies! You do not believe me? Well, two examples follow, from standard libraries


Free eBook: Apache Maven 3 Cookbook

Dear readers, In order to celebrate the release of Apache Maven 3 Cookbook, Packt Publishing contacted me in order to hold a contest to grab a free copy of the eBook! To be frank, I haven’t a clue toward organizing a contest so the first three who send me a mail at nicolas at frankel dot ch with the subject 'Apache Maven 3 Cookbook' will be sent the eBook for free. Don’t waste your time: on your mark, ready, go! And thanks Packt for these gifts. Update[10h20]: Sorry folks, all

CDI fest testng


No, those are not ingredients for a new fruit salad recipe. These are just the components I used in one of my pet project: it’ss a Swing application in which I wanted to try out CDI. I ended up with Weld SE, which is the CDI RI from JBoss. The application was tested alright with TestNG (regular users know about my preference of TestNG over JUnit) save the Swing GUI. A little browsing on the Net convinced me the FEST Swing testing framework was the right solution: It offers a DSL for end-