3D angularjs javascript three.js

You should check AngularJS...

... even if you’re a server-side guy! It is not because I’m a big Vaadin fan that I’m completely rejecting other technologies even before trying them. In this regard, I must stay I’ve been strongly impressed by the AngularJS talk at Devoxx France 2013. Since that time, time has definitively been too short to even think about investigating further, but now that Learning Vaadin 7 is nearing completion and that I successfully completed the MongoDB courses, I can finally do


Maven between different environments

As a consultant, I find myself in different environments in need of different configurations. One such configuration is about the Maven settings file. This file is very important, for it governs such things as servers, mirrors and proxies. When you have a laptop, switching from customer configuration to home configuration and vice versa when you change place quickly becomes a bore. When you have to handle more than one customer, it escalates a nightmarish and tangled configuration mess. In a fo

integration testing spring Spring MVC

Spring 3.2 sweetness

Even the most extreme Spring opponents have to admit it is all about making developers life easier. Version 3.2 of Spring MVC brings even more sweetness to the table. Sweetness #1: No web.xml The ability to run a webapp without any web deployment descriptor comes from Servlet 3.0. One option would be to annotate your servlet with the @WebServlet annotation to set mapping and complementary data. When you get your servlet for free, like Spring’s DispatcherServlet, you’d need to su


Writing a tech book: why and how?

There are a couple of reasons that could motivate you to write a tech book. Money shouldn’t be one of them. You don’t get rich, period First things first, you don’t write a technical book to become rich as you need the lower time to revenue ratio possible. In this regard, technical book writing is one on the worst possible example: It is a very time consuming activity. Even if you know everything there’s to know about the subject - doubtful, you will need the time to

course MongoDB NoSQL

MongoDB course, thoughts and feedback

I’m afraid I traded my ability to understand SQL for the ability to understand Object-Oriented Programming a long time ago. That’s why I never have been at ease with databases in general and SQL in particular. Given the not-so-recent trend about NoSQL, I thought it was time to give it a try. When I became aware that 10gen - the company behind MongoDB, was making free online courses available at regular intervals, I jumped at the chance and last month, I registered for M101J: MongoDB f


There is no such thing as an absolute best architecture

I’ve been surprised this week by a colleague’s comment regarding how a piece of software had been architectured. He found it too much procedural and not enough object-oriented, despite the fact the code was performing exactly as needed. I would have expected this from a junior developer, not from a seasoned one. Hey, guys, may I kindly remind you we’re not in university anymore? When designing an architecture, there are more things to take into account than just technical para

automation deployment

Deployit, deployment automation made easy

Two weeks ago, I attended the first Swiss JDuchess workshop in Geneva. It was about Deployit, a software to enable continuous deployment. I had already been introduced to it at Devoxx France 2012, and it had been a surprise…​ a very good one. Unfortunately, the workshop was a failure, at least for me: I couldn’t import the provided Virtual Machine. Given the very positive feedback of the other attendees, I decided to run it some time later at home. This time, it worked like a

integration testing test unit testing

Integration tests from the trenches

This post is the written form of one of my submission for Devoxx France 2013. As it was only chosen as backup, I lacked the necessary motivation to prepare it. The subject is important though, so I finally decided to write it down. In 2013, if you’re a standard developer, it is practically a given that you test your code. Whether you’re a practicioner of TDD or just create them afterwards, most realize a robust automated test harness is not optional but mandatory. Unit Test vs Int