A Java Geek weekly 66

Je suis Charlie

On January 7th, 2015, terrorists killed journalists in France over caricatures. It was shocking at the time, and it’s still shocking today. I remember. So should we all.

Guards and Pattern Guards

A short video explaining what are guards in general and how to use them in Kotlin 2.1.

Databases in 2024: A Year in Review
  • License changes
  • Databricks vs. Snowflake
  • DuckDB
  • Random
  • Larry Ellison trivia
Announcing axum 0.8.0

I like axum, I use axum, but I wish they’d start releasing a 1.x version. Here, the minor 0.8 contains a breaking change.

URL Pattern - Living Standard

Another specification from the WHATWG that escaped me. And it’s very detailed!

Are these small LLMs really useful?

For this first article of 2025, I’ll keep it short and answer a question I’m often asked: "Are these small LLMs really useful?"

The short answer is yes, of course.

And I’ll give you some examples of my personal use of these "tiny" models.

Résolution 2025: utiliser en permanence un assistant IA

Le signe d’un bon ingénieur: faire évoluer ses pratiques en fonction du contexte.

Rules for Writing Software Tutorials
  1. Write for beginners
  2. Promise a clear outcome in the title
  3. Explain the goal in the introduction
  4. Show the end result
  5. Make code snippets copy/pasteable
  6. Use long versions of command-line flags
  7. Separate user-defined values from reusable logic
  8. Spare the reader from mindless tasks
  9. Let computers evaluate conditional logic
  10. Keep your code in a working state
  11. Boil it down to the essentials
  12. Don’t try to look pretty
  13. Minimize dependencies
  14. Specify filenames clearly
  15. Use consistent, descriptive headings
  16. Demonstrate that your solution works
  17. Link to a complete example
The Joy of Under-Engineering

The post invites readers to write an app without any of the bells and whistles of the current technological landscape.

  • You get a chance to understand the primitives, the basic building blocks that hide beneath all the tools you use daily.
  • You start to appreciate the convenience that modern tooling truly offers.
  • Equally, you’ll discover that basic building blocks are often good enough and get you further than you expected.
  • You might learn that there are hardly any best practices in software development, only trade-offs that depend on circumstances.
  • You get an opportunity to replace complicated parts in your developer toolbox with simpler alternatives.
  • And of course you get the bragging rights of having shipped something in a completely unconventional way.
Postgres UUIDv7 + per-backend monotonicity

An implementation for UUIDv7 was committed to Postgres earlier this month. These have all the benefits of a v4 (random) UUID, but are generated with a more deterministic order using the current time, and perform considerably better on inserts using ordered structures like B-trees.

Docker on MacOS is still slow?

The post compares benchmarks performance across several containerization tools with different settings (e.g., bind mounts).

Using watermarks to coordinate change data capture in PostgreSQL

I like that the discussion on the different approaches. Every blog post advocating for a solution should describe possible options with pros/cons for each: your mileage may vary!

Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel is a technologist focusing on cloud-native technologies, DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, and system observability. His focus revolves around creating technical content, delivering talks, and engaging with developer communities to promote the adoption of modern software practices. With a strong background in software, he has worked extensively with the JVM, applying his expertise across various industries. In addition to his technical work, he is the author of several books and regularly shares insights through his blog and open-source contributions.

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A Java Geek weekly 66
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