Designing your own Spring Boot starter - part 1

Since its release, Spring Boot has been a huge success: it boosts developers productivity with its convention over configuration philosophy. However, sometimes, it just feels too magical. I have always been an opponent of autowiring for this exact same reason. And when something doesn’t work, it’s hard to get back on track.

This is the reason why I wanted to dig deeper into Spring Boot starter mechanism - to understand every nook and cranny. This post is the first part and will focus on analyzing how it works. The second part will be a case study on creating a starter.


At the root of every Spring Boot starter lies the META-INF/spring.factories file. Let’s check the content of this file in the spring-boot-autoconfigure.jar. Here’s an excerpt of it:


# Auto Configure

Now let’s have a look at their content. For example, here’s the JpaRepositoriesAutoConfiguration class:

@ConditionalOnMissingBean({ JpaRepositoryFactoryBean.class, JpaRepositoryConfigExtension.class })
@ConditionalOnProperty(prefix = "spring.data.jpa.repositories", name = "enabled",
    havingValue = "true",  matchIfMissing = true)
public class JpaRepositoriesAutoConfiguration {}

There are a couple of interesting things to note:

  1. It’s a standard Spring @Configuration class
  2. The class contains no "real" code but imports another configuration - JpaRepositoriesAutoConfigureRegistrar, which contains the "real" code
  3. There are a couple of @ConditionalOnXXX annotations used
  4. There seem to be a order dependency management of some sort with @AutoConfigureAfter

Points 1 and 2 are self-explanatory, point 4 is rather straightforward so let’s focus on point 3.

@Conditional annotations

If you didn’t start to work with Spring yesterday, you might know about the @Profile annotation. Profiles are a way to mark a bean-returning method as being optional. When a profile is activated, the relevant profile-annotated method is called and the returning bean contributed to the bean factory.

Some time ago, @Profile looked like that:

public @interface Profile {
    String[] value();

Interestingly enough, @Profile has been rewritten to use the new @Conditional annotation:

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface Profile {
    String[] value();

Basically, a @Conditional annotation just points to a Condition. In turn, a condition is a functional interface with a single method that returns a boolean: if true, the @Conditional-annotated method is executed by Spring and its returning object added to the context as a bean.

Condition class diagram

There are a lot of conditions available out-of-the-box with Spring Boot:

Condition Description


Checks if a bean is in the Spring factory


Checks if a class is on the classpath


Evalutates a SPeL expression


Checks the version of Java


Checks if a JNDI branch exists


Checks if a property exists


Checks if a resource exists


Checks if a WebApplicationContext exists

Those can be combined together with boolean conditions:

Condition Description


AND operator


OR operator


NOT operator

Dedicated @Conditional annotations point to those annotations. For example, @ConditionalOnMissingBean points to the OnBeanCondition class.

Time to experiment

Let’s create a configuration class annotated with @Configuration.

The following method will run in all cases:

public String string() {
    return "string()";

This one won’t, for java.lang.String is part of Java’s API:

public String missingClassString() {
    return "missingClassString()";

And this one will, for the same reason:

public String classString() {
    return "classString()";

Analysis of the previous configuration

Armed with this new knowledge, let’s analyze the above JpaRepositoriesAutoConfiguration class.

This configuration will be enabled if - and only if all conditions are met:


There’s a bean of type DataSource in the Spring context


The JpaRepository class is on the classpath i.e. the project has a dependency on Spring Data JPA


There are no beans of type JpaRepositoryFactoryBean nor JpaRepositoryConfigExtension in the context


The standard application.properties file must contain a property named spring.data.jpa.repositories.enabled with a value of true

Additionally, the configuration will run after HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration (if the latter is referenced).


I hope I demonstrated that Spring Boot starters are no magic. Join me next week for a simple case study.

Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel is a technologist focusing on cloud-native technologies, DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, and system observability. His focus revolves around creating technical content, delivering talks, and engaging with developer communities to promote the adoption of modern software practices. With a strong background in software, he has worked extensively with the JVM, applying his expertise across various industries. In addition to his technical work, he is the author of several books and regularly shares insights through his blog and open-source contributions.

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Designing your own Spring Boot starter - part 1
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