Default map value

In this post, I’ll explain how to provide a default value when querying an absent key in a hash map in different programming languages.


Let’s start with Java, my first professional programming language.

In older versions, retrieving a value from a map required using the get() method:

Map map = new HashMap();                                 (1)
Object value = map.get(new Object());                    (2)
if (value == null) {
    value = "default";                                   (3)
1 Initialize an empty map
2 Attempt to retrieve a non-existent key
3 Assign a default value if the key is absent

With Java 1.8, the Map interface introduced a more concise way to handle absent keys:

var map = new HashMap<Object, String>();
var value = map.getOrDefault(new Object(), "default");   (1)
1 Retrieve the value with a default in one step


Kotlin provides several approaches to retrieve values from a map:

  • get() and getOrDefault() function just like their Java counterparts.
  • getValue() throws an exception if the key is missing.
  • getOrElse() accepts a lambda to provide a default value lazily.
val map = mapOf<Any, String>()
val default = map.getOrDefault("absent", "default")      (1)
val lazyDefault = map.getOrElse("absent") { "default" }  (2)
1 Retrieve the default value
2 Lazily evaluate the default value


Python is less forgiving than Java when handling absent keys—it raises a KeyError:

map = {}
value = map['absent']                                    (1)
1 Raises a KeyError

To avoid this, Python offers the get() method:

map = {}
value = map.get('absent', 'default')                     (1)

Alternatively, Python’s collections.defaultdict allows setting a default for all absent keys:

from collections import defaultdict
map = defaultdict(lambda: 'default')                     (1)
value = map['absent']
1 Automatically provide a default value for any absent key


Ruby’s default behavior returns nil for absent keys:

map = {}
value = map['absent']

For a default value, use the fetch method:

map = {}
value = map.fetch('absent', 'default')                  (1)
1 Provide a default value for the absent key

Ruby also supports a more flexible approach with closures:

map = {}
value = map.fetch('absent') { |key| key }               (1)
1 Return the queried key instead of a constant


My experience with Lua is relatively new, having picked it up for Apache APISIX. Let’s start with Lua’s map syntax:

map = {}                                                (1)
map["a"] = "A"
map["b"] = "B"
map["c"] = "C"
for k, v in pairs(map) do                               (2)
  print(k, v)                                           (3)
1 Initialize a new map
2 Iterate over key-value pairs
3 Print each key-value pair

Fun fact: the syntax for tables is the same as for maps:

table = {}                                              (1)
table[0] = "zero"
table[1] = "one"
table[2] = "two"
for k,v in ipairs(table) do                             (2)
  print(k, v)                                           (3)
1 Initialize a new map
2 Loop over the pairs of key values
3 Print the following:
1	one
2	two

Lua arrays start at index 0!

We can mix and match indices and keys. The syntax is similar, but there’s no difference between a table and a map. Indeed, Lua calls the data structure a table:

something = {}
something["a"] = "A"
something[1] = "one"
something["b"] = "B"
for k,v in pairs(something) do
  print(k, v)

The result is the following:

1	one
a	A
b	B

In Lua, absent keys return nil by default:

map = {}
value = map['absent']

To provide a default, Lua uses metatables and the __index metamethod:

Metatables allow us to change the behavior of a table. For instance, using metatables, we can define how Lua computes the expression a+b, where a and b are tables. Whenever Lua tries to add two tables, it checks whether either of them has a metatable and whether that metatable has an _add field. If Lua finds this field, it calls the corresponding value (the so-called _metamethod, which should be a function) to compute the sum.

Each table in Lua may have its own metatable.

As I said earlier, when we access an absent field in a table, the result is nil. This is true, but it is not the whole truth. Such access triggers the interpreter to look for an __index metamethod: if there is no such method, as usually happens, then the access results in nil; otherwise, the metamethod will provide the result.

Here’s how to use it:

table = {}                                              (1)
mt = {}                                                 (2)
setmetatable(table, mt)                                 (3)
mt.__index = function (table, key)                      (4)
  return key
default = table['absent']                               (5)
1 Create the table
2 Create a metatable
3 Associate the metatable with the table
4 Define the __index function to return the absent key
5 The __index function is called because the key is absent


This post explored how to provide default values when querying absent keys across various programming languages. Here’s a quick summary:

Scope Value

Programming language

Per call

Per map








Nicolas Fränkel

Nicolas Fränkel

Developer Advocate with 15+ years experience consulting for many different customers, in a wide range of contexts (such as telecoms, banking, insurances, large retail and public sector). Usually working on Java/Java EE and Spring technologies, but with focused interests like Rich Internet Applications, Testing, CI/CD and DevOps. Also double as a trainer and triples as a book author.

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Default map value
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